Maevyth Bronwick
Age: 19
Home: Foxglove Parish
Nickname: Moon Witch
Occupation: Making healing oils and deadly poisons
Goal in life: To avoid betrothal or becoming a dreaded Red Veil
Greatest fear: The Eating Woods
Black hair, pale gray eyes with a silver crescent that looks like the moon, 5'7"
Maevyth Artwork by Selina
Zevander Rydainn
Age: 211
Home: Castle Eidolon in Nyxteros
Nickname: The Scorpion
Occupation: Royal Assassin for King Sagaerin
Cursed with Sablefyre (Eldritch power)
Black hair, gold and orange eyes that look like an eclipse, 6’8”
Zevander Artwork by Avoccatt
Zevander & Maevyth
Who was the little mortal with raven hair and that silvery crescent in her eye that reminded him of a winter moon? And why had he not stopped seeing her in his mind since that night? Every detail of her face lingered so vividly in his thoughts, he wanted to carve them out with a blade.
Zevander & Maevyth Artwork by Zoe Holland
Zevander & Maevyth Artwork by Romannaboch
Zevander & Maevyth Artwork by Avoccatt
Zevander & Maevyth Artwork by Will Hatch
Raivox Artwork by Kateryna Vitkovska