Sons of Wrath Glossary
Glossary of terms from the Sons of Wrath. This glossary will be continually updated as the series progresses.
Alexi – an army of soldiers bred to slay lycans
Aecorisz Demon: Demons with red skin tone and horns resembling those of a bull.
Alterrealm: An opening that allows access from the human realm to the demon world.
Amec: An intense emotion, stronger than human love, of deep affection and loyalty
Amegation: The illegal impregnation of an un-bonded female
Basiliaj: A very rare female Wrath demon, born sterile; often bond with princes.
Berserker – violent genetic mutations as a result of failed human Lywa trials
Brozszius – a demon advocate for prisoners of Obsidius; willing to endure half the punishment.
Brutesz Demons: Boorish hit men of the underworld; shady and untrustworthy
Cartazmus: An ancient book of demon history, which resides within a crypt in Orcosia
Casting: Energy given off by an aroused succubus.
Catatones – Ghouls that inhabit the catacombs of the demon manor; guards
Deceleration: The rapid mental and physical decline of a starved incubus.
Demortis – the metal of the gods; the only known element that can kill a demon; not commonly found in the human realm.
Divine Matrons – governesses to children born of demon princes
Du amec: Demonic phrase for I love you.
Du et gloriasz: Demonic for I honor you.
Enforcers – bounty hunters of the Underworld
Eradis: The binding of souls, after which, the couple becomes tazschla and servosx
Fallen: Former angels who seek to corrupt humans, known for violent sexual appetites.
Feshjule – demon equivalent for ‘fucker’
Gambis demons – demons whose most notable talents are thieving and gossip
Gaszla – evil woman, black arts witch
Guardians: Fierce angels of the heavens who protect humans.
Halfling – a recently bitten human awaiting the full change to a lycan
House of Bereavement – a tomb for the grieving found in the Underworld, demons call it Mortuadium.
Impetusi Demon: Bulky demons who are mostly docile and used for hard labor, but can become violent when provoked.
Imprinting: The transfer of a victim’s memory to another following a lycan bite.
Incubi – breed of male demon that feeds off of sexual energy; they have the power to erase short-term memory; unearthly good looks
Lamb – the derogatory Alexi term for weak human beings (those who do not carry the antibody to lycan venom)
Lenovidus Demons: Pimps assigned to succubi at a young age; collect souls for the underworld
Lycan – a supernatural species that can take the form of any animal; most turn to wolves
Lywa Antibody – a powerful concoction designed by biochemist, Gen. Jackson Wade that confers resistance to lycan venom after a bite.
Mortuadium – House of Bereavement
Obsidius – Underworld prison for the damned
Optevyl: The demon equivalent to the KKK. They believe in pure demon species
Orcosia – the Underworld realm, otherwise known to humans as hell
Orcosii – Council of Elders in Orcosia
Progenitors: The eldest and purest Sang, and the only ones capable of producing offspring. They possess bat-like features, including wings.
Pureblood: A lycan created as a result of natural birth as opposed to having been bitten.
Raptorzhus: A bird, similar to a falcon, found in the underworld; symbol of the Optevyl.
Red Queen: A modified form of Abyzz that uses the blood of the succubi and brings hallucinations to life.
Renoshza – sexual maturity of a succubi after her first orgasm with a victim.
Sanctuary – A bar and casino in downtown Detroit owned by the wrath brothers
Saevious demons – Violent sexual predator demons
Savidon – a demon male’s sexual prime wherein he’s forced to choose a mate for life
Sanctisz: A plea of innocence
Sang: Short for Sangexzha Sangexzha: An ancient species of the underworld, extinct for centuries, with an appetite for blood
Savidon: A demon male’s sexual prime, wherein he’s forced to choose a mate for life
ScalWags: Slug-like snacks of the underworld, often served with alcohol at supe bars.
Scelius Demon: Violent breed of demon that roam in packs and pick up women to share among themselves
Semptresz: A seamstress to royalty in the underworld
Sentinels: The most violent angels in the heavens who hunt the Fallen.
Servosx – male demon mate
Shine – a hallucinogenic drug popular in the Underground scene
Stygius: The realm of absolute death for the damned.
Succubi – breed of female demon that, at one time, were bred as sex slaves to demon lords; typically mother many children from different fathers; most male demons avoid the succubi.
Sucorosz: Flesh eating, spider-like insects of the underworld.
Sudesz – suicide, a serious crime of the Underworld
Szexus organ – an organ in mature male demons responsible for bonded sex
Tazschla – female mate
Trolls – employed by demons as security guards
Umbraki: Warriors known for their fearless military prowess and guerilla warfare.
Underground – parties held in the basements of abandoned buildings
Verbrizh: The most painful form of punishment in the underworld, carried out with a specialized whip designed to inflict severe injury.
Veneficiusz Demons: Manipulative demons who can probe the mind for memories to use against a victim.
Vitiusz Demons: Potentially violent demons with severe facial deformities
Wrath demons – warriors of vengeance; sons of the demon prince, Wrath; punishers to those who’ve wronged. Each specializes in a form of mental or physical pain.
Zedrigast: Motorcycles of the Guardian angels.
Zshula – midwife for lost souls, she brings them back from the otherworld